mardi 3 décembre 2013


What a joke!
Today, i realized that friendship isn't that important...
I mean it is, for the ones who charish it and get involved it it, and be there.
Im talking about the ones who don't care, the ones who remove you from their lives once they make new friends, the ones that you opened your heart to,telling them the deepest things you may ever feel. But suddenly, every single littel thing vanishes away, like it has never been!
How Painful it is...
To picture the life without them.
Or even worse, when they don't care at all.

This has been distracting me alot, so for a consequence im failing in my classes, i don't put that big effort as i used to, and it is devastating
It looks like my life is falling apart slowly while im watching it, and i don't know what to do anymore. I need support, i need some true lifetime friends.

Somehow, i must reorder my life and put it on track again, i can't afford failure anymore, i want to taste the good success, to be able to feel it and enjoy it.
I'm saying no to be put in second, or to be ditched, im saying no to following people around, im saying no to regret, no to tears, no for underestimating myself, no ... no... NO!
I am going to change it, im gonna focus on the important things, because futur is now.
I won't get distracted anymore, its not worth it.

I'll find my way, i'll put mylife together, and it's only the beginning...